Monday, June 30, 2008

6/29 Snatch test training

Kettlebell Snatches

24k KB


One set every minute for 20 minutes.

My hands are hating me today.


Katie said...

Hmmm... me personally I'm not a fan of KB snatches... there's just something about the way they feel. I don't like the flip of the bell at the end... maybe it's just me and my neurosis. :P I like dumbbell snatches though. :) Nice work!

P.T. said...

The tricky part is moving your hand around the KB and not letting it flop down on your arm. Once you get the hang of it it feels nice and smooth. I've never actually done DB snatches. I should try them some time just to see how they're different. Snatches and TGU are my two favorite KB exercises.

Katie said...

Try TGU with a barbell... THAT'S some serious fun... ;)