Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6/21-6/22 Crossfit Kettlebell Cert

I attended the Crossfit Kettlebell Level 1 Certification at Kettlebell Koncepts in Gaithersburg, MD. on Saturday and Sunday. I learned a lot about Kettlebells, Crossfit, and how to teach people to use kettlebells without getting "jacked up" as Jeff Martone likes to say.

One of the most beneficial things I leaned was the joint mobility drills we did for warmup. I'll definitely be adding that and the PNF stretching to my workouts.

After some adjustments to my technique I feel like I'm dialed in. I'm also more confident about teaching others how to use kettlebells in there workout.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I had forgotten about the cert! :( My bad for gettin' on your case... I'm glad to hear that you were able to take something away from it though!