Sunday, July 6, 2008

7/6 Blackjack

Taken from Crossfit One World

for time

Pushups /Situps

20/1 - 1/20

switched to leg raises at 5/16



Katie said...

PT I'm having a little trouble tracking your numbers and your workout.... what's that craziness mean?

P.T. said...

Take a look at the link in the post.

Basically you start with 20 pushups and 1 situp. Then go to 19 pushups and 2 situps. You keep doing 1 less pushup and 1 more situp each time till you hit 1 pushup and 20 situps. It always equals 21 "Blackjack".
I just didn't feel like copying the whole thing. At 5 pushups I switched to leg raises because my hip flexors were starting to tighten up.

Katie said...

Ooooohhh... gotcha... I was all sorts of cornfused... :P That actually sounds like an interesting workout... :)