Sunday, July 20, 2008

7/20 Trifecta

Joint Mobility warmup.

Kettlebell Komplex "Trifecta"

Snatch 30sec L /30sec R
Clean and Jerk 30 sec L /30 sec R
Swing 1min

rest 30sec

16Kg / 24Kg /16Kg

8 minute abs

Front Plank 2min
Right Plank 1min
Left Plank 1min
Right Plank 1min
Left Plank 1min
Front Plank 2min


Katie said...

Nice work PT! This would have smoked me. KB swings wear me out!

P.T. said...

I was fried by the end. My grip was toast. The good news is it goes quick once you get started.