Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm still alive

I've been slacking on the updates but I'm still here and kicking. I've been doing some random stuff here and there, but nothing organized.

I started out December trying to hit 200 KB swings a day. I did O.K. for a couple days then slacked off, because of a trip to St. Louis then being sick for a week. I hit the gym a few times for some quick full body workouts Now hopefully I'm back in my grove.


Modified Fast 10's

16K KB

Clean and Press 2 x10
Snatch and Front Squat 2x10
Swings 10L/10R/10 H2H x 2


Hit the GYM


135x10 225x5 275 x5 315x20

315 for 20 has been a goal of mine for a while. The only problem is that now I know I can do it and I have to push further. 350? 375? 400? We'll see what the future holds.

Nautilus pullover
80lbs x 20

175 x10

Standing DB Press
35lbs x 12
55lbs x 10

BWT x 5
60lbs assist x10 for 2 sets

BWT x 10 for 2 sets

Calf Raise
400x 15 for 2 sets

DB Curls
20 x 15
20 x 10

Tricep Press Down
100? x 12 for 2 sets

Reverse Crunch Leg Lift
2 sets of 15

Shoulder pre/re hab

internal rotation R/L
20lbs x 10
10lbs x 12

8 lbs
5 lbs

Finished in less than 1 hr.

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