Friday, December 5, 2008

12/3 KB Standard Routine



3 rounds

Halo 5l/5r
Bootstrapper Squat 10
Windmill 10l/10r

Clean and Press Ladder /w pullups

3 ladders of 3 rungs

1 C&P R 1C&P L 1 pullup
2 C&P R 2C&P L 2 Pullups
3 C&P R 2 C&PL 3 Pullups

Repeat for a total of 3 "ladders'


10L / 10 R x 5 rounds

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm still alive

I've been slacking on the updates but I'm still here and kicking. I've been doing some random stuff here and there, but nothing organized.

I started out December trying to hit 200 KB swings a day. I did O.K. for a couple days then slacked off, because of a trip to St. Louis then being sick for a week. I hit the gym a few times for some quick full body workouts Now hopefully I'm back in my grove.


Modified Fast 10's

16K KB

Clean and Press 2 x10
Snatch and Front Squat 2x10
Swings 10L/10R/10 H2H x 2


Hit the GYM


135x10 225x5 275 x5 315x20

315 for 20 has been a goal of mine for a while. The only problem is that now I know I can do it and I have to push further. 350? 375? 400? We'll see what the future holds.

Nautilus pullover
80lbs x 20

175 x10

Standing DB Press
35lbs x 12
55lbs x 10

BWT x 5
60lbs assist x10 for 2 sets

BWT x 10 for 2 sets

Calf Raise
400x 15 for 2 sets

DB Curls
20 x 15
20 x 10

Tricep Press Down
100? x 12 for 2 sets

Reverse Crunch Leg Lift
2 sets of 15

Shoulder pre/re hab

internal rotation R/L
20lbs x 10
10lbs x 12

8 lbs
5 lbs

Finished in less than 1 hr.