Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7/29 Ultimate Sprints Conditioning

2 Rounds (Rest 5 minutes between rounds)

Sprint 15sec / Jog 30 sec x 4

Rest 1 minute

10 yard shuttle run

Sprint 15sec / Jog 15 Sec x 6

Rest 1 minute

Twice through
Knee tuck jump 15 sec / active rest 15 sec
Squat Thrust 15 sec / active rest 15 sec
Jumping Lunge 15 sec / active rest 15 sec

After a nice break I finished up with some Hand 2 Hand kettlebell drills with a 16Kg KB.

Monday, July 28, 2008

7/27 Suicide Solution

So I made good on my threat to do more sprint training. In preparation for this weekend's tournament I did some suicide sprints. Starting with normal suicides 5 yards and back 10 and back, 15 and back, 20 and back. After 4 sets I did them in reverse starting with 20 and working down to 5 for 4 sets. Then I had the wonderful idea of adding a burpee at the end of teach sprint, but starting and ending with a jump. So I sprint 20 yards, jump, do a burpee and sprint back 20 yards , jump , burpee, sprint 15 and so on down to 5. That total's 8 burpee's per round. After 5 rounds I was toast. Finished with pullups x 3 and dips x 3 and a nice 30 minute walk on the treadmill.

Friday, July 25, 2008

7/24 Ultimate

Only one sub this week so lots of running. I think I was only out 2 or 3 points out of 32. Next Thursday is the last regular game then Saturday is the Tournament. Playing 4 games in 1 day should be interesting / painful.

I really want to add some kind of sprint work into my training once this is over.

Monday, July 21, 2008

7/21 Time is on my side

Joint Mobility Warmup

TGU 16kg 5 minutes switching sides after each rep.

Total 20 10R/10L

Rest 2 min

2 hand swings 16kg 5 minutes(died at 4:15)

Total too many.

Rest 3 minutes

1 arm clean and press 16kg 5 minutes

Ladder L/R counts as 1

1 /2/3/4/5/4/3/2/1/1/1 added singles at the end to get to 5 minutes.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

7/20 Trifecta

Joint Mobility warmup.

Kettlebell Komplex "Trifecta"

Snatch 30sec L /30sec R
Clean and Jerk 30 sec L /30 sec R
Swing 1min

rest 30sec

16Kg / 24Kg /16Kg

8 minute abs

Front Plank 2min
Right Plank 1min
Left Plank 1min
Right Plank 1min
Left Plank 1min
Front Plank 2min

Friday, July 18, 2008

7/16 Ultimate

Another great game. Our team is really starting to come together. I felt good running. I think it helped that it was overcast and cooling off instead of sunny hot and humid like it had been all day long. Drinking lost of water before and during probably helped too. My ankles are a little sore, but less than last time.

After the game I got to thinking about training. Everyone has a different reason for training, but I think eventually it's important to do something with it. Whether it's a 5K, powerlifting meet, or church softball league taking that hard work from training and focusing it on something is very rewarding. There's nothing wrong with training for trainings sake, I just think you're missing out if you don't take your newfound strength and apply it to something.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

7/15 One of those days

I went to the park with every intention of running some 400's. After I got there and did a little warmup I realized my body wasn't ready. My ankles were still a little sore from last week's Ulitmate and my neck/trap/shoulder has a twinge from Deadlifts on Sunday. So i ran the 1.25 mile loop and stretched some more.
When I got home I did yoga for 30 minutes. I like doing yoga once in a while just for some variety. It's probably been a few months since the last time. I felt a lot stronger and more flexible than the last time I did it. I'm going to try and do it more often maybe on "rest" days. So while things didn't go according to plan I think everything worked out in the end.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

7/13 Bring out your Dead(lifts)

5/10 x 3

So on Wednesday I finally got motivated to check out some other Gyms. Mainly because my gym started closing at 9 during the week, instead of 11 like when I joined back in November. So after some sushi I went to 3 different places to see what they had.

The first stop was the YMCA. They had rowers in they're cardio area and bumper plates in the weight room. Plus I've been thinking about doing some swimming. I also like the fact that I can use the Y in downtown Harrisburg. I've been thinking about checking out the Judo and MMA classes they have.

Next I went to LA Fitness. I wasn't expecting much and I got what I expected. Lots of shiny machines and a cardio loft. They had two squat racks and a power rack. Someone was actually squatting in the power rack, but then I saw someone doing wrist curls in one of the other squat racks and I couldn't find any place to do pullups or dips. I finally did find the pullup/dip station in the rows of machines. I asked if it was O.K. to use chalk and the sales guy said he didn't mind, but I had a feeling doing heavy deadlifts wouldn't really go over well. I can only image what they would do when I started doing cleans or snatches.

Finally I ended up at World of Fitness. I'm not really sure what to make of this place. I think I could do just about anything I wanted there and nobody would look twice. The guy at the desk just laughed when I asked about chalk and said they didn't care. They had an honest to God pullup bar bolted to the wall and a dip station right next to it. There was a Power rack and plenty of freeweights even a rack of fixed barbells. I have to admit it had a certain appeal. Plus it was about half the price of the other two places. So I headed home with a pass for a free week. Oddly enough there was a coupon for a free month in the paper the next day.

When I was at LA Fitness and WoF I had mentioned that I was looking for some place opened later because my current gym had changed there hours. At both places I heard that they had a lot of people coming in from my gym because it was closing. Well this was news to me, but I'd been working out at home with Kettlebells for the last few weeks so maybe I missed something. Sure enough today when I get there they have a sign posted saying that they're closing on Sept. 2nd. They have a letter posted at the front desk explaining that because of low cost competition (Planet Fitness) they can't stay competitive. Everyone will be transfered to the Gold's Gym down the road, which from what I heard, just happens to be owned by the same guy. I checked out Gold's after they cut back the hours and they were worse then LA Fitness. Two squat racks stuck back in a corner with no place to do deadlifts or cleans. I singed the form to cancel my membership before I even started my workout.

I could probably get away with working out at home, but I like having some place else to go and I do like squatting and deadlifting now and then. I also like throwing in some olympic lifts from time to time. I have to think about it some more. Maybe I'll do a trial workout at the Y and WoF to get a better idea of what they're like. Maybe I should go to Plant Fitness and see how long it takes before they kick me out. I'm guessing I could get booted in under 10 minutes. One set of deadlifts or power cleans and I'd be out the door. I wonder what they're policy on DB snatches is? As long as I don't grunt or slam the weights I wouldn't be breaking any rules. Although without chalk I probably would drop the db.

7/10 Ultimate part deux

More ultimate, more running. Less subs this time so lots more running. I really like playing, but I really don't like how my ankles feel afterwards. Doing the joint mobility warmups helps, but the hard ground just isn't very forgiving.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7/8 Ultimate with bonus Kettlebells

More ultimate. We won again! :). We have another game Thursday. Running around making cuts is a lot harder than just running or sprinting, but I think my body is finally starting to get the hang of it. I think the joint mobility warmups help also.

We had more people show up so I wasn't in as much, so I did a quick workout when I got home.

Five Rounds
24Kg KB Snatch 10R/10L
5 dead hang pullups

Got a good sweat going and worked out some of the soreness from all those pushups.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

7/6 Blackjack

Taken from Crossfit One World

for time

Pushups /Situps

20/1 - 1/20

switched to leg raises at 5/16


7/5 Just like old times Pt. 2

Kettlebell Ladder 16KG

Clean and Jerk
Front Squat

1/2/3/4 Rest 5 Rest 4 Rest 3 Rest 2/1

Wallball Substitute 16k

3 x 20

Saturday, July 5, 2008

7/5 Just like old times Pt. 1

I'm going for two workout's today. Just like in High School.

Pt 1. 3 mile run

7/4 Who are you calling dizzy?

Dizzy bat relay

Sprint 25 yards, spin around the bat 3x, sprint back.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking.

7/3 He ain't heavy, he's my Squat Bar.


Joint Mobility warmup.


45x5,95x5,135x3,155x3,175(no go-Push Press x 3), 155x2

9, 5+3 jumping, 5+ 5 jumping

7/1 Play, Play, Play

More Ultimate.

We lost :(

I had fun :)

Two games next week.