Wednesday, September 24, 2008

9/23 Fast Tens

Fast Tens by Pavel

24k KB

1 Arm Clean and Press

5L/5R/10L/10R x2

Snatch and Front Squat

10L /10R x 2


Katie said...

PT is this done for time? Or is it more of a strength workout?

P.T. said...

Katie, It's a strength/Bodybuilding workout. It's one of 3 workouts in the "Fast Tens" program. Ideally you start with two sets and add a set every week for 3 weeks. Then you back down to 3 sets , followed by two more weeks of adding sets until you get to 5 sets on week 6.
There's not set time, but you're supposed to try and keep the rest periods to a minimum. Workout two is snatch and press for 2 sets of 5 followed by Clean and jerk for 2 sets of 10. the 3rd workout is snatches for 2 sets of 10 and Front squat/ push press (Thrusters) for 2 sets of 5.
I did this with a single kettlebell, but double's are recommended.